Embrace True Victory With Scholarships for Cancer Survivors—DoNotPay Will Tell You How

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Scholarships for Cancer Survivors Give You the Fresh Start You Deserve

A cancer diagnosis can take a huge toll on the emotional and financial well-being of any household. Going by a 2015 study, every family with a cancer patient loses almost $126,000 annually in treatment and care. In many cases, such families are left with no resources to fund the education of their kids.

Scholarships for cancer survivors and patients are a boon to students impacted by the dreadful disease, whether directly or indirectly. In this guide, DoNotPay will tell you all about the cancer scholarships and grants available in the U.S. and help access them ASAP!

A Bird’s-Eye View of Scholarships for Cancer Patients or Survivors

Scholarship committees consider numerous factors when deciding who would benefit from the scholarships for cancer survivors—here are a few of them:

  • Who was affected by the disease
  • How it damaged a family’s economic security
  • Whether it impaired a student’s:
    • Cognitive learning ability (e.g., left a permanent neurological or sensory disorder)
    • Degree of engagement in school (e.g., caused prolonged absenteeism)

Based on the above factors, the current offer of scholarships for cancer survivors can be divided into two types:

  1. Scholarships for childhood cancer survivors
  2. Scholarships for students from families affected by cancer

We will take a quick look into both options to help you evaluate which scholarship or grant opportunities match your circumstances.

Scholarships for Childhood Cancer Survivors Explained

Students who have battled and survived cancer during childhood or adolescence can apply for scholarships throughout high school and all the way to graduate school.

This table compiles some of the most sought-after scholarships under this category:

Northwestern Mutual Foundation Childhood Cancer Survivor ProgramThis scholarship carries a monetary prize of $5,000 for cancer survivors who:
Christine B Foundation ScholarshipThis scholarship offers $2,000 to students who:
  • Demonstrate academic excellence
  • Serve 30+ hours in volunteer work
  • Submit an essay of 1,000 words on a topic given by the foundation
Cancer for College ScholarshipYou can apply for this $5,000 scholarship if you:
  • Are a high school senior or an incoming freshman
  • Submit the following documents to the selection committee:
Eagles Fly for Leukemia Scholarship
  • Eagles Fly for Leukemia offers scholarships for leukemia survivors or the students who are still battling the disease
  • These scholarships may be partial or full-ride
Miles of Hope Breast Cancer Foundation Scholarships
  • They are college scholarships for breast cancer survivors who reside in any of the counties in the State of New York

Scholarships for Students From Families Affected by Cancer

Paying for cancer treatment jeopardizes a family’s finances. Scholarships for children or siblings of cancer patients can help such families support the education of their dependents.

Here are some examples:

  • Ulman Cancer Fund for Young Adults offers $2,500 to selected students who were 15 years or older when their parent or sibling was diagnosed with cancer
  • National Collegiate Cancer Foundation’s Legacy Scholarship Program supports meritorious students who have lost a parent to cancer
  • Marna Pal Memorial Scholarship awards $1,000 to young adults (18–24 years) who come from a family impacted by cancer

Where To Find the Right Scholarship for Cancer Survivors and Others

Searching for scholarships and checking their eligibility requirements is a difficult exercise that can consume hours of your time. To help you out, we have explained three methods to evaluate scholarships for cancer patients, survivors, and others:

  1. Check individual sources—You need to check the websites, info bulletins, or social media pages maintained by organizations who offer such scholarships, for example:
    1. Cancer support institutions
    2. Pharmaceutical or medicinal research companies
    3. Community groups that offer local scholarships to struggling students
    4. Religious organizations that support ailing members of their group, like Christians, Muslims, Catholics, Jews, etc.
    5. Memorial funding groups who offer scholarships to honor a deceased person
  2. Find bulk results on the internet—You can always use the internet to look for scholarships, but this is an unreliable method because of:
    1. Outdated and irrelevant search results
    2. Bulky data that is difficult to process
    3. Student loan advertisements hidden in clickbait articles
  3. Use DoNotPay—Make your scholarship search a productive one with DoNotPay’s Apply for Scholarships product. Our app creates a personalized list of U.S. scholarships tailored to your student profile within five minutes—all you have to do is fill out a brief student questionnaire!

today and start browsing through all the relevant scholarships that you qualify for!

How To Find More College Scholarships for Cancer Survivors

If you’re specifically looking for college scholarships, you should explore options beyond cancer-related ones. For example, many scholarship programs offer financial assistance to students with a history of a critical illness or medical condition—which includes cancer, diabetes, chronic anxiety, autism, hearing impairment, etc.

Refer to this table to find some common demographic classifications that may overlap with your student profile:

Demographic ClassificationExamples
Student type
Disadvantaged or underrepresented minority groups

Use DoNotPay To Apply for Multiple Scholarships in the Blink of an Eye!

Applying for a scholarship can eat up your time and drain your mental energy to no end. Do you want a time-efficient, no-nonsense way to apply for the maximum number of scholarships at your disposal? Turn to DoNotPay’s Apply for Scholarships product! We can help you apply for all the no-essay scholarships you qualify for in a matter of seconds!

This is what you need to do:

  1. and search for Scholarships
  2. Complete the student questionnaire
  3. Choose between our search and apply options

If you select our Search option, we will check our latest scholarship database and extract the ones you qualify for.

Our Apply option will let you browse through all no-essay scholarships matching your profile. Once you select your favorites, we will use your student info to apply for them on your behalf!

Don’t forget to check your inbox for confirmation emails after using our services—they’ll help you keep tabs on all your applications!

What’s Next?

Once you complete the task at hand, you don’t have to stop there—we offer a myriad of products that can relieve you of the stress that comes with dealing with admin and hurdles.

DoNotPay can assist you in drawing up a divorce settlement agreement, child travel consent form, power of attorney, and other documents, contacting government representatives, getting tourist visas, fighting workplace discrimination, getting a burner number, appealing banned accounts, getting access to public records, scheduling a DMV appointment, and much more.

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