Jewish College Scholarships From A to Z

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The Best Way To Obtain Jewish College Scholarships

As tuition fees become higher each academic year, students find it increasingly more difficult to finish their education. Luckily, the number of governments, organizations, and companies that provide financial aid to students—especially the ones in college—is also on the rise.

Scholarships and grants offer help to students of various backgrounds. In this guide, we’ll explain how Jewish college scholarships work and show you:

  1. Where to find scholarships for Jewish students
  2. How to apply for them
  3. How to use DoNotPay to optimize your results

Jewish College Scholarships—How Do They Work?

Jewish student scholarships can come from a variety of sources:

  • Federal and state governments
  • Private companies and donors
  • Organizations related to the Jewish community

Depending on the award provider, students may need to show different levels of how Jewish they are. For instance, some scholarships are available only to those who are active within the Jewish community and go to religious services. Other awards only require students to be of Jewish descent.

In some cases, applicants don’t even have to be Jewish—these awards are for students interested in Judaism and foreign languages related to Jews, such as Hebrew or Yiddish.

Types of College Scholarships for Jewish Students

Aside from being Jewish, students need to meet other criteria as well, which are different for each scholarship. There are several factors award providers take into account when they determine which students are eligible to apply, as seen in the table below:

Eligibility RequirementsExamples
Level of study
  • High school seniors who plan to enroll or are already enrolled in college
  • Undergraduates (freshmen, sophomores, and juniors)
  • Graduates
  • Doctoral students
Field of study
  • The field of study doesn’t have to be strictly related to Judaism as scholarships offer aid to a myriad of majors, including mechanical engineering, arts, computer science, etc.
Other specifics

Jewish college scholarships are divided into two main groups, as follows:

  1. Merit-based programs
  2. Need-based grants

Merit-Based Scholarships for Jews

Merit scholarships go to Jewish students who demonstrate personal achievement related to the Jewish community or their field of study, as well as academic excellence. These awards have minimum requirements but are highly competitive, so it isn’t likely for you to get them if you meet only the basic criteria.

Students need to show their:

  • GPA
  • Class rank
  • SAT or ACT scores
  • Letters of recommendation from respectable members of the Jewish community or teachers
  • Resume of volunteer work and involvement with projects within the Jewish community
  • Satisfactory academic progress (SAP)
  • Essays on various topics, including career goals and the Jewish faith

These are some of the popular Jewish college scholarships:

Scholarship NameRequirementsAward Amount
The Nathan J. and Virginia H. Friedman College Scholarship
  • High school seniors
  • Cumulative GPA of at least 3.3
  • Residents of the greater San Francisco Bay Area
Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago Scholarships
  • Residents of the Chicago Metropolitan area or employees in the area for at least a year
  • Incoming freshmen, juniors, or seniors
  • Demonstrate career promise in the following fields:
    • Business
    • Communications
    • Healthcare
    • Jewish communal service
    • Education
    • Law
    • Medicine
    • Social service
    • Natural sciences
    • The rabbinate
    • Technology
    • Urban affairs
    • Performing and fine arts (musicians, playwrights, sculptors, photographers)
Up to $8,000
The Gail Karp Orgell Scholarship $2,000–$4,000
Helen B. and Lewis E. Goldstein Scholarship
  • High school seniors
  • Strong academic performance
  • Preference to immigrant students enrolled in:
    • Law
    • Business
    • Library or information science

Jewish Scholarships for College Based on Need

Scholarships for Jews also offer help to Jewish students who don’t have the required academic achievements to secure a merit-based award. These financial aid programs focus on students who demonstrate financial need—the inability to cover tuition fees by themselves.

Students need to fill out the College Scholarship Service (CSS) Profile or the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form to be eligible for this type of award. This way, they can prove their Expected Family Contribution (EFC), which needs to be below a certain limit that’s proposed by individual programs.

Some need-based Jewish college scholarships include:

  • The Judy Kay Wendland-Young Scholarship
  • Jewish Endowment Foundation Scholarships (for Jewish women)
  • The Jewish Scholarship Service of Pittsburgh
  • Nathan L. Lewis Memorial Scholarship

Jewish College Scholarships—Where To Find Them

The biggest problem with scholarships is that there are many of them, yet they are hard to find online. Researching financial aid programs is a tedious task, and it can take you months to spot one—or more—you’re eligible for.

If you feel like you’ve hit a dead-end, here are a few tips on where you can continue your search:

You can use DoNotPay to complete the entire research process within five minutes. Our app will provide you with t a custom list of all scholarships you’re eligible for as soon as you !

Jewish College Scholarships—The Application Process

The way you apply for an award depends entirely on the program itself. Each scholarship has its own set of requirements, and you’ll have to do your research before you start applying. In general, you should always make sure you tick the following boxes:

  1. You meet all the requirements
  2. The deadline has not passed
  3. You have all the necessary paperwork (application form, essays, cover letter, transcripts, etc.)

How To Use DoNotPay To Secure a Scholarship for Jewish Students Hassle-Free

Searching for various scholarships and going through application processes is a time-consuming affair, but you no longer have to waste your time on it. DoNotPay allows you to learn about all available scholarships you can apply for and find out what the requirements and award amounts are.

You only need to complete the following steps:

  1. Select the Apply for Scholarships product
  2. Answer a few questions from our chatbot

When you provide information about your academic performance and financial standing, our app will create a list of all awards you’re eligible for.

If the list shows some no-essay scholarships you’re interested in, you can apply directly within the app. Select the ones you like, and we will complete the application process on your behalf.

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