What a Time To Learn How To Do a Whataburger Gift Card Balance Check

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How To Do a Whataburger Gift Card Balance Check in No Time

Have a Whataburger gift card lying around and don't know what to do with it? If you have a few dollars left on it, there's no need to throw it away! DoNotPay explains everything you can do with your leftover balance and how to perform a Whataburger gift card balance check!

How Does a Whataburger Gift Card Work?

You can purchase a Whataburger gift card in any Whataburger restaurant or on the company website. The Whataburger Terms of Service state the following for gift cards:

  • You can only use the gift card to purchase food in Whataburger restaurants, but you can’t use it to buy Whataburger merchandise
  • You can reload your gift card in any amount between $5 and $500
  • Whataburger can’t replace the card if you lose it
  • The card is usable even if you damaged it as long as you didn’t break it and the card number is visible
  • The card can never expire
  • You will never get maintenance charges for the card
  • Whataburger does not accept returns and doesn’t issue refunds
  • You can pay for the rest of your bill via other payment methods if your balance is insufficient to cover everything

How To Check Your Whataburger Gift Card Balance

You can check your Whataburger gift card balance by using one of the following methods:

  1. Via phone call
  2. In person
  3. Website

Check Whataburger Gift Card Balance via Phone

Check your Whataburger gift card balance via phone call by doing the following:

  1. Dial 800-242-5353
  2. Ask the employee to check your balance
  3. Provide necessary information about your Whataburger gift card

Perform a Whataburger Gift Card Check in Person

Go to your nearest Whataburger restaurant and ask an employee to check your gift card balance.

Check Your Balance on the Website

To check your gift card balance on the Whataburger website, follow these steps:

  1. Visit the Whataburger Gift Card Balance Check page
  2. Enter your gift card number
  3. Enter your gift card PIN

How Can I Use the Leftover Balance on My Whataburger Gift Card?

You checked your Whataburger gift card balance—now what? You can opt for:

  • Exchanging your gift card—give away your Whataburger gift card to get another gift card of the same value but from a different vendor
  • Finding a kiosk that exchanges gift cards for cash—look for specialized gift card vending machines in grocery stores and turn your gift card into cash
  • Selling your gift card online—you can also find an online platform and sell your partially used gift cards there
  • Trading your gift card for cash—if your friends or family want to eat at Whataburger, give your gift card to them, and they can pay you for the remaining balance

All of these methods require some extra effort. If you don’t have the time for it, there are easier ways to get those few bucks back.

Can I Get Cash Back for My Whataburger Gift Card?

Whataburger’s Terms and Conditions state that gift cards are non-refundable except in the states where it’s required by law.

If you’re lucky enough to live in one of the 11 states or Puerto Rico, you can go to your local Whataburger and ask an employee to pay you the leftover balance in cash. The amount of cash back you can get depends on the state’s cash back limit.

Here’s a list of all the states in which you can get a Whataburger gift card cash back, grouped by the cash back limit:

  • $10—California
  • $5—Maine, Oregon, Colorado, Missouri, New Jersey, Washington, and Massachusetts
  • $3—Connecticut
  • $1—Vermont and Rhode Island

You could travel to one of those states and get your cash back, but making that effort for such a small amount of money isn’t the best idea.

DoNotPay understands that issue and delivers a solution that allows you to wherever you are!

Get Cash Back From Leftover Whataburger Gift Cards With DoNotPay!

Don’t let your money go to waste! Here's how you can get your cash back:

  1. in your browser
  2. Select the Gift Card Cash Back feature
  3. Enter the required information about your Whataburger gift card

DoNotPay will check if Whataburger has an office in one of the states that have a cash back policy. If we find one, we will forward your request there, and you can expect to get your money back within 14 business days.

Did you know that billions of dollars go to waste each year because of unused gift cards? Don’t be a part of that statistic—DoNotPay can get your cash back for a variety of gift cards, including:


Learn more about gift cards with DoNotPay:

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