Scholarship for Diabetes—All You Need To Know

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Scholarship for Diabetes—How Does That Work?

Tuition fees in the United States are on a constant rise, and each year, they reach new heights. It’s hard to be a college or high school student and focus on education with expenses and potential debts in mind.

Thankfully, students can rely on scholarships and grants to help them with their financial obligations. Individual programs focus on specific groups of students—one such group includes students with diabetes.

In this article, we’ll tell you who is eligible for a scholarship for diabetes, where you can find one, and how you can apply for it.

What Are Scholarships for Diabetics?

Scholarships are financial aid programs provided by schools, universities, federal and state governments, and companies. Due to the sheer number of students in the United States, programs come up with various eligibility requirements to reduce the quota of applicants.

Check the table below to learn more:

Eligibility RequirementsCategories
Field of studyMost majors have scholarships dedicated to them. The most popular ones include computer science, sports, engineering, and nursing
Level of study
Ethnic or religious affiliationEthnic affiliations are usually focused on minorities, such as Hispanics, Africans, and Filipinos, while religious scholarships offer aid to Muslims, Christians, Jewish students, and students of other faiths
Student profile

A scholarship for diabetes focuses on students who fulfill one of the following criteria:

  1. Have diabetes type 1 or type 2
  2. Have a parent who suffers from diabetes
  3. Enroll in a diabetes-related major
  4. Be active in the diabetes community

Scholarships for diabetes type 1 are far more common than diabetes type 2 programs. Students who apply based on the first two criteria need to show an official doctor diagnosis to prove they have the disease.

Scholarships for students with diabetes are awarded based on:

  1. Merit
  2. Need

Merit-Based Scholarships for Diabetics

Merit-based programs offer aid to diabetic students who can demonstrate personal achievement and a level of academic excellence. Personal achievements can be a resume of diabetes-related projects and extracurricular activities. Gauging academic performance is more complicated.

Students need to possess a high GPA level and high SAT or ACT scores. They also need to show they are capable students by including additional paperwork alongside an application form, such as:

The following table will give some examples of what you can expect from a scholarship for diabetes:

Scholarship NameRequirementsAward
Scott & Kim Verplank Foundation Scholarships
  • High school senior
  • U.S. citizen
  • Minimum GPA of 3.0
  • Diagnosed with diabetes type 1 as a child
  • Managing diabetes with medication, diet, and exercise
  • Member of an athletic team
Diabetes Scholars Beyond Type 1
  • U.S. citizen or permanent resident
  • High school senior
  • High academic performance
  • Diagnosed with diabetes type 1
  • Managing living with diabetes
John E. Kostic Memorial Foundation Scholarship
  • New Jersey resident
  • High school senior
  • Diagnosed with diabetes type 1
  • High academic performance
  • List of extracurricular activities
  • Letter of recommendation from a physician
Novo Nordisk Donnelly Awards
  • Aged 14–21
  • Diagnosed with diabetes type 1
  • Competitive tennis player
  • High academic performance
  • Involved in the community
  • Essay
  • Two letters of recommendation

Need-Based Scholarships for Diabetics

Need-based awards go to students who don’t have high enough academic performance but can demonstrate they are experiencing financial difficulty that stops them from paying for education on their own.

These programs set a top limit on students’ income, and the limits vary depending on the scholarship.

Every applicant needs to prove their Expected Family Contribution (EFC). They can do so by completing the College Scholarship Service (CSS) profile or filling out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form.

Scholarship Rush—What’s the Best Way To Find a Scholarship for Diabetes?

Searching for scholarships can be a tedious task as you may need to spend weeks or months doing your research. Information about various programs is all over the Internet, and you’ll need to look for them manually if you go the traditional way.

To make your research more efficient, you can inquire about awards at the following places:

You can use DoNotPay to bypass the traditional way of searching for awards and skip the entire research process altogether. With , you will need less than five minutes to learn about all scholarships you’re eligible for.

Getting a Scholarship for Diabetes With DoNotPay

If you search for scholarships manually, it’s likely you’ll miss out on many programs you can apply for. With DoNotPay, you don’t have to worry about that as we will provide you with a personalized list of all available scholarships for your student profile.

All you need to do is the following:

  1. Search for the Apply for Scholarships feature
  2. Answer a few questions about your financial status and academic performance
  3. Choose the type of scholarship that interests you

Our app will create the list according to your answers and show you the requirements, application processes, and award amounts.

If there’s a no-essay scholarship on the list, you can use our DoNotPay to apply automatically. All you need to do is instruct us to apply on your behalf, and we’ll take care of the rest.

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