Appeal a Stocktwits Account That's Suspended

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How to Appeal a Suspended Stocktwits Account

Stocktwits is a social media platform designed specifically to talk about stocks and trading. There are paid accounts, hosted rooms, and the usual lively and politically charged discussions that occur wherever stocks are discussed. However, the strict rules and not always transparent methods of Stocktwits have built it a reputation for being "ban-happy".

If your for unexplained, unfounded, or overzealous reasons, DoNotPay can help you appeal the ban and put pressure on Stocktwits to restore your account.

What Are the Reasons You Can Be Banned From Stocktwits?

Stocktwits has a lot of rules, and they are known to enforce them with some amount of energy. This can mean a large number of , often with the user not entirely sure what they did wrong. Go ahead and skim the list below.

Crossing many of these lines could easily be an accident, a misclick, or a simple lack of awareness of the specific site guidelines. While we all know better than to use hate speech and threaten others on the internet, accidentally tagging a political post is all too easy.

  1. Abusive Language
  • Excessive vulgarity
  • Violent language
  • Hate speech
  • Threats of any kind
  1. Politics
  • Giving a cash-tag to political messages
  1. Promotional and Spam Material
  • Linking to paid content
  • Promising or pitching
  • Unsolicited promotion messages
  • Irrelevant tagging
  • Large follow-lists to send messages
  • Soliciting follows
  • Bad use of automation to spam, promote, or push trends
  • Dominating with image posts
  1. Manipulation or Misinformation
  • Attempting to move stock with messages
  • Positive or negative statements about stock without new information
  • Spreading false rumors
  • Distributing manipulative links
  • Impersonation
  • Coercion
  • Alt account spamming
  1. Indecency
  • Posting nudity or written smut
  • Doxing - posting personal information without the subject's consent

What to Do if Your Get Banned From Stocktwits

Here are the steps you need to do if your Stocktwits account is suspended:

  • Contact Stocktwits Customer Service

Stocktwits does not have an official route to appeal banned accounts, so you'll need to reach out directly to customer service. You can create a support ticket on the Contact page of the help section. This should begin an email exchange (when they get back to you) about appealing your banned account.

  • Ask for the Reason and Evidence

Politely ask for the reason your account was banned. If you suspect you were hacked or falsely reported, mention the evidence you have of any wrongdoing that reflected badly on your account. Stocktwits is not known to be responsive or share much information on these matters, but you might luck out on a helpful customer service agent and actually sort out the confusion through this exchange.

  • Provide Proof or Promise to Adhere

If the ban was the result of a mistake or a hack, provide any proof you may have in screenshots or computer logs. If there was confusion about whether you own your account, provide proof of account creation and two-factor access. If there was some confusion or oversight regarding approved conduct, agree to adhere to the rules you now better understand.

If Stocktwits is feeling magnanimous or your proof is reasonably compelling, you may see your suspended Stocktwits account restored.

Get Your Stocktwits Account Back With DoNotPay!

Why do some accounts never get restored, even if you have proof, a good reason, or only a minor transgression? Often, it's because the brand thinks they can get away with ignoring your case and blanket-banning anyone who rocks the boat. DoNotPay can help fight back against both apathetic and tyrannical account appeal systems by putting pressure behind your appeal to restore your account.

If your and you are in the appeal process, DoNotPay can draft and send a demand letter. This letter will remind Stocktwits of their contractual obligation to provide fair account access according to the letter of your user agreement - especially if you are a premium paying customer. Arbitrary banning and negligent appeal responses will not be overlooked.

If your account is in appeals and suspended on questionable grounds, we can help push your appeal over the line by getting the attention of the corporate branches of the company, not just apathetic customer service agents.

All you have to do is:

  1. Log in to your DoNotPay account and locate the Unban My Account product.

  2. Answer a few questions related to your banned account.

  3. Click on the Sign and Submit button.

DoNotPay will generate a customized appeal letter in less than five minutes and send it directly to the company. It will contain a two-week deadline for the company to respond.

Can You Send Demand Letters To Stocktwits Send Demand Letters To for Account Access Denial?

Did you know that companies are obligated to provide access to your account, especially if you have paid for the account features? Banning your account arbitrarily, outside the user terms you agreed to, means you can take a business to court over account access. The same is true, for example, if a company won't' help you reset your password to access the account.

Appeal your suspended Stocktwits account in small claims court with DoNotPay. We'll help you prepare the paperwork and even draft a script for your day in court.

DoNotPay Can Help You Appeal Banned or Suspended Accounts on Any Platform

Accounts can get banned or suspended on almost any platform - platforms that may be essential to your lifestyle or happiness. If you have a banned account you are appealing, DoNotPay can help put pressure on your appeal to push it toward approval.

Amazon Account SuspensionHow to Get Unbanned from Omegle Appeal TikTok Ban
Banned from TwitterFacebook SuspensionPlaystation Suspension
Tinder SuspensionUnban YouTube Account Banned Xbox One Account
Banned from UberBanned from GoogleSuspended Reddit Account
Unban Steam Account Appealing Instagram BanAppeal Pinterest Suspension

What Else Can DoNotPay Do?

DoNotPay can do more than just help get your accounts unbanned. We can also help recover passwords, find old usernames, or get your accounts and data fully deleted from old providers you've purchased from. We can help you recover your life after identity theft and check the terms of service on any provider.

And the fun doesn't stop there. Beyond account and data security, there are all sorts of tools DoNotPay provides to make your life easier around every corner.

Looking to save on travel and hotel upgrades? Need to prepare for your next year of higher learning with scholarships and waived fees? Want to lower your property taxes or automate a few tricky bills paid by mail? We've got you covered.

Check out the dozens of DoNotPay online tools and services. Find out how we can make your life easier this week, next week, and the week after that.

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