File Complaints Against Starwood Hotels and Get Compensated
When you stay at a hotel, you have a right to expect the best. You're paying some pretty high prices, after all. If something goes wrong and ruins your stay, you should be able to have it fixed. This is as true for the Starwood Hotel as anywhere else. If you'd like to file after a bad experience at one of their nearly 1,300 locations, you can use DoNotPay to make the process faster and easier.
Issues Worth Complaining to Starwood Hotels About
While you obviously want everything to be perfect when you stay at a Starwood Hotel (and it certainly might be nine times out of 10), there's still the chance you could encounter some kind of problem during your stay. What could go wrong obviously depends on your location and innumerable other factors, but some common issues at hotels tend to be:
- Bed bugs
- Poor service
- Dirty items from previous guests were left in the room
- Mold
- Faulty appliances
- Excessive noise
- Drafts or leaks
Starwood Hotels Customer Service Contact Information
The Starwood Hotels have a few avenues you can use if you want to contact their customer service department. These are:
Phone number | 1-800-328-6242 |
Headquarters phone number | 1-203-964-6000 |
Contact form (handled by Marriott, the parent company) | Marriott Contact Form |
How to File a Complaint With Starwood Hotel and Ask for Compensation by Yourself
If you've had an , you can file a complaint. As you might expect, DoNotPay can really help to save you time and effort in doing this, since we have the expertise in filing these kinds of documents to speed up and simplify the process while increasing your odds of getting compensation. If you'd rather try it on your own, though, here's what you can do:
- Identify your issue or issues that you're having/had while staying at the hotel.
- Draft a complaint letter outlining your problems and what, if anything, the staff did to fix things.
- Contact the company and send the letter, or use the letter as a guide when otherwise explaining your problem (like over the phone).
- Provide your information for callback and to prove you stayed at the hotel at the time you did.
- Wait to be contacted again about compensation.
Why It is Hard to File a Complaint on Your Own
As we said, filing a complaint on your own is doable, but it's definitely not ideal. It takes a lot of time to get your complaint processed, and it often results in little. If you get lucky, you'll eventually be compensated with a hotel refund for your problem, but even that could take weeks or more in some cases. This is one of the ways that DoNotPay can really help, since our experience lets us expedite these processes and get you what you're owed that much quicker.
How to Write a Strong Complaint Letter
Writing a strong complaint letter can make the difference between getting compensation and getting nothing at all. If you intend to file a complaint with Starwood Hotels on your own, here's some ideas for what to include:
- Clear and concise descriptions of what happened.
- A firm but friendly tone.
- A list of what you've done to try to get compensation already and how that went.
- Your contact information and information related to your stay.
- State that you'd like a response.
How to File a Starwood Hotel Complaint Easily with DoNotPay
DoNotPay makes the complaint process as easy as one, two, three. That said, it's actually going to take five steps to get things started, and those are:
- Go to the Hotel Bill Complaints & Refunds product on DoNotPay.
- Tell us the details of your experience and complaint, including how it negatively impacted your stay, and provide photographic evidence if available.
- Enter the details of your reservation, including the check-in/check-out dates and hotel room number.
- Tell us whether this is for a past reservation or you're still at the hotel (this helps us decide whether negotiation or chargeback is a better option for your case).
- Choose whether you want us to contact the front desk or general manager (if you've already tried contacting the front desk already).
DoNotPay Works Across All Hotels Without Any Hassle
Starwood Hotels are just one business we can help you with. As a subsidiary of the Marriott, you can probably guess that we'll be able to talk to them, but did you know we'll also send complaints to hotels like the Hyatt, Sheraton, and Hilton? We'll also send complaints to Choice Hotels and Motel 6. Basically, if you're having problems at a hotel, motel, or other places you're staying, we can get you the compensation you deserve.
What Else Can DoNotPay Do?
Hotel problems aren't all that DoNotPay can help with. We offer a number of other services, including:
- Filing cases in small claims court
- Filing complaints against neighbors
- Getting compensated for flight issues
DoNotPay has the means to help you in all sorts of ways. Try the app today and get the compensation you deserve!