How to Delete Mobile Legends Account
Mobile Legends is a multiplayer online battle arena. It offers both a thrill and multiple level-challenges. But if you have forgotten your password or want to learn , here are some tips and all the information you need.
Deleting your Mobile Legends account can be very hard because the developers do not want players to stop accessing the game. There is no permanent way to delete this application. DoNotPay is an online service that can help you delete the Mobile Legends application swiftly.
The only sure way is by unlinking your current account with Google Play, Facebook, and other gaming accounts. DoNotPay will successfully help you unlink the Mobile Legends account quickly.
Aside from deleting your Mobile Legends account, we can also assist you in removing your accounts in:
How to Delete the Mobile Legends Account by Yourself
There is no direct way to learn , but you can unlink it by following the steps below.
- Open the Mobile Legends account on your mobile phone or your tablet or iPad
- The Main menu will load after the title screen. Tap your profile image on the top left corner of the main menu. It will display the menu for the player or the user’s account
- Tap the account located on the sidebar menu on the left side. It will display all the linked accounts
- Tap the account below the 3rd party accounts. The accounts you are bound to will show the players’ email address or username next to the account
- Click okay. The account then alerts the players about unbinding their accounts. You will need to press agree then okay before logging into your Facebook account
- Repeat this process on all accounts that you are bound to
Can I Delete With | Yes / No |
DoNotPay | Yes |
No | |
In-Person | No |
Live Chat | No |
No | |
Phone | No |
Website | Yes |
Issues You Might Run Into Deleting Your Mobile Legends Account
- There is no delete channel: The Mobile Legend application developers have not created a delete option. You have to follow the long process of unlinking the account from your devices. It can take so much of your time and, in most cases, is unsuccessful, but DoNotPay offers you a quick and convenient way and unlinks the account from your devices quickly.
- Original information provided when opening the account: It may be hard to recall your passwords or the original information you provided when opening the account.
- Time-consuming: The process of unlinking your account from your devices can take a lot of time since you may have linked multiple applications. It can stall the process and frustrate you. To avoid this, you can use the fastest online service offered by DoNotPay to unlink all your accounts quickly.
Delete Mobile Legends Account With the Help of DoNotPay
DoNotPay provides you with an instant online solution to delete your Mobile Legends account. All you need to do is provide all the necessary information, and DoNotPay will do the rest for you at the click of a button.
If there are any challenges, DoNoPay will get in touch with the customer support Center, follow all the steps and lift off the burden of follow-up from your shoulders.
If you want to delete old accounts but don’t know where to start, DoNotPay has you covered in 7 easy steps:
- Go to Delete Old Accounts product on DoNotPay.
- Select the type of account you are trying to delete, such as email, streaming service, social media, gaming, eCommerce, and more.
- Tell us more about your account, including usernames and associated emails / phone numbers.
- Help us verify your account ownership by entering the date you first created the account, when you last logged in, any payment methods saved under the account, etc.
- Upload photographic evidence if you have any that can help prove your account ownership.
- Enter any last known or previously used passwords.
- Enter your contact information and submit the task!
Why Use DoNotPay to Delete Mobile Legends Account
- Fast—you don’t have to spend a lot of time trying to crack the passwords, DoNotPay will get all the job done.
- Easy—you don’t have to struggle following the multiple steps of unlinking your accounts because DoNotPay does all the work for you.
- Successful—there’s guaranteed success in deleting your Mobile Legends account when you use DoNotPay.
What Else Can DoNotPay Do?
- Help you appeal a banned account
- Assist with spam collector
- Help you get free trials
- File a complaint
- File request to return items
Deleting accounts is one of the ways to ensure data security. Personal information in the digital space can land in untrustworthy hands and lead to a lot of harm. Old accounts that you no longer use are unsafe because they are unmonitored. If you do not want to go through all the tedious processes of deleting accounts, sign up to DoNotPay today. DoNotPay will help delete your Mobile Legends account and offer you so many other online services at the comfort of your home.