How to Cancel Your Talkmobile Contract In 5 Minutes

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How to Cancel Your Talkmobile Contract In 5 Minutes

Recent data says the UK has 94.7 million mobile phone users. Talkmobile operates on the Vodafone mobile network, providing 2G, 3G, and 4G coverage for its users. Sometimes those customers want to know

As subscription service users may know, cancelling subscription contracts is often a frustrating, time-consuming task. The website for subscriptions may provide confusing or hard-to-find instructions. Customers wonder: why isn’t there a better way?

Well, consumers, relax! The better way is here with DoNotPay: an automated, web-based, faster, and easier way to cancel your subscription contracts, including your Talkmobile contract.

What Are Talkmobile’s Cancellation Policies?

Talkmobile's cancellation policy allows subscribers to cancel at any time. There is a hitch, however. Talkmobile recently terminated its Pay-As-You-Go services, so current customers must agree to a minimum period of service, such as 30-day or 12-month contracts. So, should you want to terminate your service before the end of the 12-month period, Talkmobile charges an Early Termination Fee or ETF.

When you terminate your contract, the company makes the following determinations to your account:

  1. Determines any outstanding charges,
  2. Subtracts any refunds or credits,
  3. Determines the ETF by adding up the monthly subscription charges left on the account, and
  4. Deducts 2% off the ETF because your final payment is in one lump sum instead of several monthly payments.

As an example, suppose a customer wants to with a monthly fee of £35 (after any discounts) with six months left to go. The six remaining months total £210 in fees. After the 2% discount for early payment, the termination fee is £205.80.

How to Cancel Talkmobile Contracts?

The ability to cancel anytime for any reason sounds great. Putting that prerogative into practice, however, is more difficult than it sounds. If you terminate Talkmobile service and want to keep your mobile number to transfer to the new carrier, Talkmobile calls this switching, not cancelling. If you request switching information, Talkmobile will calculate any Early Termination Fee and let you know via a confirming text message.

You may request switching information by texting INFO and the last two numbers of your security PIN to 85075.

Switching to Another Carrier With Your Current Mobile Number?

If you want to switch to another carrier and keep your mobile phone number, you must request a Porting Authorization Code (PAC). PACs are free and are good for 30 days. You provide the PAC to your new provider. The hitch here is that your service under Talkmobile does not terminate until you switch to the new provider. Therefore, Talkmobile will continue to bill for service until the switch happens. If you do not switch to a new provider, your service with Talkmobile will not terminate and the company will continue to charge for service.

To request a PAC, text the word PAC, along with the last two numbers of your security PIN, to 65075.

Switching to Another Carrier With a New Mobile Number?

If you want to switch carriers but do not want to take your current mobile number with you, then you must request a Service Termination Authorization Code (STAC). Talkmobile provides the STAC free of charge and, just like the PAC, the STAC is good for 30 days. When you sign up with the new carrier, you provide that company with the STAC.

Once you make the switch to a new carrier, Talkmobile will terminate your service with them and stop charging fees on your account. If you do not give the STAC to a new carrier, service with Talkmobile will not terminate, and they will continue to charge your account.

Important note: Once you provide the new carrier with the STAC, your mobile phone number with Talkmobile terminates, and you cannot get it back at a later time. So, if you want to keep your mobile number, you must request a PAC as described above.

To request a STAC, text the word STAC, along with the last two numbers of your security PIN, to 75075.

What Is Cancelling Talkmobile Service?

There is another way to terminate Talkmobile service aside from requesting a PAC or STAC. You may by calling customer service to terminate your service. If you do not want to switch to another provider, you do not need a PAC or a STAC. Talkmobile will cancel the number and stop billing your account.

Please note: Once you cancel service, the Talkmobile number assigned to you terminates immediately, and you cannot get the mobile number back at a later date.

Talkmobile Care Team Contact Information
Call from your Talkmobile phone (calls are free)5888
Call from another phone (charges may vary)0333 304 8064
Call from abroad (charges may vary)0044 333 304 8064
Customer Service available over the phone on the following days and hours:Mon - Fri:8 am to 8 pm

Sat:9 am to 6 pm

Sun:10 am to 5 pm

Webchat service available on the following days and hours:Mon - Fri:8 am to 10 pm

Sat:9 am to 6 pm

Sun:10 am to 5 pm

Contact Us | Talkmobile

HelplineNeed help? | Find answers to your questions | Talkmobile

Have DoNotPay Cancel Your Talkmobile Subscription

The good news is that DoNotPay can manage subscription cancellations for you. DoNotPay is always the best and easiest option.

Simply tell DoNotPay which service you want to cancel. With DoNotPay, cancellation is an easy three-step process:

  1. Log-in to DoNotPay and search for the Manage Subscriptions product.

  2. Provide the name of the subscription service you want to cancel.

  3. Provide your account details such as email address and username.

Once you submit the required information, DoNotPay cancels your subscription for you. DoNotPay will also try to get a refund on your behalf. This convenient, automated platform lets you know when the subscription cancels.

What Other Subscriptions Can DoNotPay Help Me Cancel?

DoNotPay can help you cancel subscriptions other than Talkmobile. Check out the examples below:

Other Things DoNotPay Can Help You Resolve

Cancelling Talkmobile subscriptions is just one of many consumer issues that DoNotPay can help you resolve. Take a look at the suggestions below to see if any of them interest you:

Join DoNotPay today to cancel your Talkmobile contract in 5 minutes!

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