How to Contact Securus Customer Service in a Breeze

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How to Reach Securus Customer Service Agents Fast

Are you having trouble dealing with ? You are not alone. DoNotPay is here to rescue you, even when dealing with government contractors like Securus.

Securus provides prison communications. As the world's first AI Consumer Champion, DoNotPay understands how important it is to communicate with incarcerated family members. We also know how costly it can be, especially when a family breadwinner is locked up. Your time and money are valuable during times like this, making the Securus runaround even more frustrating.

Today, you'll learn everything about dealing with . We'll cover four main points here:

  1. Information about Securus Technologies
  2. How to contact Securus via DoNotPay (it's easy)
  3. How to contact Securus customer service by yourself (it's a huge hassle)
  4. And other ways DoNotPay can help families of prisoners

About Securus

Technologies is a prison communications company. They've been criticized publicly for extremely high rates of phone calls to inmates. They've also developed unfair phone tracking technologies to be used outside correction facilities.

To further their business, they've been pushing to mandate the removal of in-person meetings of inmates with their families. We find that disturbing.

Typical Securus Customer Complaints

When your loved one is incarcerated, it's stressful for everyone. Prisoners need to hear from family outside. It's vital to their wellbeing and rehabilitation. It's also important to your family on the outside, children in particular.

But Securus doesn't seem to take the matter very seriously. The Better Business Bureau (BBB) gives Securus a mere 1-star rating. Common complaints about Securus include:

  • Video call hardware that doesn't work
  • Canceled calls
  • Dropped calls or video calls
  • Expensive charges
  • Incorrect charges
  • Poor customer service after these charges are made, and refusal to refund money

If you're dealing with these issues, you've likely tried to already. And it probably didn't go well. Maybe you waited on hold for many hours and got no response. Perhaps they promised you a refund that you never received. Maybe they laughed at you when you complained about an $80 phone call.

DoNotPay can help. First, let's see how easy it is to contact Securus customer service with the app.

The Easy Way to Contact Securus Customer Service

DoNotPay is here to save you time and money. Let us wait on hold for you so that you can go about your busy day. Just follow the simple steps below.

  1. Open your web browser and sign up for DoNotPay.

  2. Type in Skip Waiting on Hold and select the product.

  3. Search for the company you'd like to call.

  4. Click on the name of the company and have us do the work for you.

DoNotPay is always the fastest, easiest, and most reliable way to reach Securus customer service reps. And remember, it works for any company. You don't need to wait on hold for big corporations like Walmart, Amazon, and Ubisoft ever again.

Of course, you can still reach out to Securus customer service by yourself. Let's learn about it.

How to Contact Securus Customer Service by Yourself

The table below explores Securus customer service contact information. We wish you luck.

Organization NameSecurus Technologies
Phone(800) 844-6591
Securus Video Connect/SM Information(877) 578-3658
General Mailing Address(This is not for payments.)

Securus Contact Center

PO Box 1109

Dallas, Texas 75001

Payment AddressSecurus Correctional Billing Services

PO Box 650757

Dallas, Texas 75265-0757

Whenever you deal with Securus, keep copies of everything. This huge government contractor is not interested in outstanding customer service. So be prepared to wait on hold, have the paperwork go missing, or get zero response. DoNotPay is always the faster, easier way.

Other Ways You Can Take On Securus With DoNotPay

If you're still not getting the results you need from Securus, DoNotPay would love to help. First, you can use the app to write a powerful demand letter that will get their attention. It's coming from an attorney, after all.

Then, you can file formal complaints about Securus with DoNotPay. Let the government agencies that do business with this company know about their shady behavior!

Still mad at Securus? Take them to small claims court. DoNotPay can help you file all the forms, and the app will craft a script you can use in court to help you communicate. Small claims court exists for people like you, so put it to use.

And there's still more you can do with the app.

DoNotPay Supports Prisoners and Families

Beyond helping you reach customer service at any company — even Mojang, Marriott, and Rockstar — DoNotPay has more services ideal for families of incarcerated individuals. Use the app to:

  • Stand up against unfair evictions
  • Find public housing during your time of need
  • Get coupons and deals to save on groceries and goods

We have another product — Connect with an Inmate — that can help you reach out to your loved one without dealing with Securus. Like everything else DoNotPay offers, it's super fast and easy. You can even send photos. Try it out!

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