How To Report Spam Texts to T-Mobile

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Stop Reaching for Your Phone and Report Spam Texts to T-Mobile

Spam text messages are as annoying as robocalls or spam email, if not worse. They can be unnecessary ads or dangerous fraud and phishing attempts that can get a hold of your credit card details and do some serious damage.

Americans received approximately 25 billion spam texts in 2017, and those numbers are on the rise. No wonder that every major cell carrier, including T-Mobile, focused their attention on devising protection against this current electronic plague.

Spam Texts and How They Work

Any unsolicited text message coming from an unknown number could be classified as spam. While some of them are used as marketing channels for legitimate products and services, a lot of those texts are sent with malicious intent to trick you into sharing sensitive information. They often contain links to shady websites designed to steal your credit card information, email address, or Social Security number.

Spam texts are usually not sent from another phone but generated on a computer instead. Scammers often use messaging apps or deliver spam texts from email addresses. Robotexts might be easier to ignore than scam calls and emails, but it doesn’t mean they’re harmless.

Text Scams That Affect Most Users

It’s important to know your enemy to fight it successfully. We have compiled an overview of the most common text scams that should help you recognize and avoid them in the future:

Scam Type


Phishing scams

  • The most common type
  • The message seems to come from a well-known company, bank, or social media
  • Contain links to dangerous websites

iCloud scams

  • Target your Apple account password
  • Usually involve phishing

Mystery shopper

  • A complex scam that starts with a text inviting you to become a mystery shopper and earn money
  • Uses email or websites like Craigslist or Monster to recruit victims

Travel-related scams

  • Use texts from famous travel or airline companies that claim you’ve won a free trip or a huge discount
  • Require credit card info to cover the taxes or other fees

Prize-related scams

  • Include a notification about winning the lottery or a sweepstakes prize
  • Ask for a payment method to cover an upfront fee

Not Sure if the Text You Received Qualifies as Spam?

If you’re having doubts whether the suspicious text that ended up in your inbox is dangerous spam or a real deal, here are several tips to help you decide:

  • Dangerous spam messages have typos, poor composition, or not-quite-right versions of actual companies’ websites
  • Scam attempts will push you to act urgently, so they use scenarios involving threats to safety to your finances or loved ones
  • Offering gifts in exchange for personal information is a common strategy used by scammers—if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is
  • Spam texters try hard to impersonate or spoof familiar numbers, but if the tone of the message feels a bit too generic, you should be careful

Block Spam Text Messages With T-Mobile’s Help

T-Mobile allows its users to utilize a feature called Message Blocking to stop any unsolicited messages. You can turn it on following these steps:

  1. Open the Blocking page on T-Mobile’s website
  2. Sign in to your account if required
  3. Locate the Message Blocking options near the bottom of the page
  4. Turn Message Blocking on according to your needs

Message Blocking is an umbrella tool that offers several options and lets you decide what level of protection suits your needs the best. You can choose to block:

  • All incoming and outgoing chargeable messages
  • Instant messages sent via SMS
  • Text and picture messages
  • Emails sent to from getting delivered as texts

This tool won’t work on all types of messages. No matter which option you turn on, it will still allow:

  • Free messages from third-party providers sent to notify you about items you purchased
  • Standard-rated messages from shortcodes
  • Notifications for different services
  • Wireless Emergency Alerts
  • Email sent to and from your address
  • Instant messages or emails on Windows Mobile or BlackBerry devices
  • Voicemail notifications

Report Spam Text Messages to T-Mobile

Receiving unwanted messages and calls without your consent is illegal under the CAN-SPAM Act. If you receive a suspicious message or an unsolicited ad through this channel, you can report it to T-Mobile’s Spam Reporting Service as described below:

  1. Press and hold on the message text and select Copy
  2. Start a new message and paste the copied content without adding anything else
  3. Send the message to 7726

You will receive a confirmation text from T-Mobile as they forward your message to the Security Center without sharing your details.

Fight Spam Texts With DoNotPay

DoNotPay prides itself on prioritizing consumer rights and security above all. For that reason, we developed a tool that can help you fight spam text messages with ease and convenience.

Start by setting up your DoNotPay account in a . When you receive a dangerous text asking for your credit card information, log in to your account, and follow these steps to gain the upper hand against scammers:

  1. Click on Robo Revenge on the homepage
  2. Generate a virtual credit card by selecting Create Your Card
  3. Provide the fake card details to the scammers
  4. Get their information when they try to charge the card
  5. Send Demand Letters To them using DoNotPay and get compensation

Using DoNotPay’s virtual credit cards is completely harmless for you as they are not connected to the actual bank account. We will use them to unveil the identity of your scammer and help you file a lawsuit if you opt for it.

Tips for Additional Protection Against Spam Texts

Knowing your do’s and don'ts when dealing with spam texts can make a huge difference. Text scammers don’t dawdle while the world devises new ways to stop them. They keep improving and inventing new scenarios to make you fall prey to their scams.

The table below contains useful tips on what to do and what to avoid when you receive a spam text:


Use your phone settings to block spam texts on iPhones and Android devices

Don’t respond to spam texts

Put your number on the National Do Not Call Registry

Don’t click on links in a suspicious text message

Install a third-party spam blocker

Don’t provide your personal details even if you click on the link accidentally

Get an anti-malware app for your phone and upgrade your security software

Don’t store credit card information or account passwords in notes on your phone
Research the sender’s number before responding Stop to unsubscribe

Don’t let your guard down if it’s a group text

Check What Else DoNotPay Can Do for You

DoNotPay has many useful tools and features that can turn daily struggles with administration into a thing of the past. You can use our app to stop harassment in the workplace, get a refund from Amazon the easy way, or cancel your T-Mobile subscription if you’re not satisfied with their spam text protection!

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