Get Replika Free Trial Without Giving Your Credit Card Info
Replika is always by your side. Create your own Replika, who will always be there to listen and talk to you. AI friends never judge you or ignore your calls when you need to talk to someone. Users can download the app, available on iOS or Android, or use the website to get started today.
If you're interested in a , we're going to look at the trial options and how they work in great detail throughout the article.
Does Replika Offer a Free Trial?
Replika has a 100% free version that acts as a free trial. The "Free Use" version of the app provides limited access to the available services. If you download the free version, it does come with the Replika, and we will cover this in much greater detail below.
If you choose to upgrade to Replika Pro, which is 100% optional, you'll unlock a variety of features:
- Update your avatar
- Choose conversation topics
- Customize the app
- Make voice calls
- Much more
Initially, many of the features that came with the platform's free version moved to the pro version. For example, voice chat and custom backgrounds are two features that were once free that are now only available with Pro. Getting is made easier with DoNotPay.
How Can I Get a Replika Free Trial?
If you want to use Replika, you can download the app for your smartphone (iOS or Android) or go directly to the website to create your . Creating an account is simple and straightforward:
- Go to the official website to create a Replika.
- Type in your first name.
- Plugin your email address.
- Put in your desired password.
- Choose your friend's pronouns.
- Click "Get started."
The next step is to choose your AI friend. You'll have multiple friends to choose from, and you can choose whether your friend will be female, non-binary, or male. From here, you'll be requested to add in a variety of additional information:
- Hair
- Skin
- Eyes
You'll choose from a variety of hairstyles, colors, and shapes for all three options.
Finally, you'll be asked to give your Replika a name. An AI-generated name will be in place already, but you can choose to generate a new name if you wish.
You're not asked to put in your credit card information or any other financial-related information during the entire setup process.
If you're requested to enter this information at any time in the future, you can use virtual credit cards to keep your financial information safe. A free virtual credit card is a great option if there's a potential risk of credit card information being stolen.
How Can I Get Free Trial and Avoid Getting Charged on My Own?
It is easier to forget to cancel your free trial and end up paying for a subscription service you don't enjoy. Here are a few ways you can cancel a free trial and avoid getting charged:
Cancel payment once you sign up for the free trial. | If you cancel a free trial after signing up, you will still use it for the entire trial period without getting charged. It is one of the best and easiest ways to ensure you don't get billed.
However, remember that not all free trials operate in the same manner. Some services will stop your trial immediately you unsubscribe, e.g., Hulu and Apple Music. |
Set a reminder a few days before your trial period ends. | Don't wait until your free trial ends to cancel your subscription. That's because you may take forever to find instructions on how to unsubscribe, and this could push you past your deadline.
Another reason why you shouldn't wait till the last minute is that most services will still charge you if you cancel less than 24 hrs before your free trial period ends. |
Go virtual. | If you signed up with a free virtual credit card and forgot to cancel your subscription before your trial period ended, you can never get charged.
DoNotPay’s Virtual Credit Card works by generating temporary credit cards that expire when you please. Some advantages of virtual credit cards include:
Speak with Customer Support. | Do not disregard how powerful personal appeal can be. If you thought you canceled your subscription before your free trial ended or your request was unsuccessful, you can contact Customer Support to help you out. Just ensure you remain humble and courteous in your request. |
Does the Replika Free Trial Automatically Renew Into a Paid Subscription?
No. Since you can begin using Replika for free, there's no concern that the free trial will renew into a paid subscription. Therefore, you don't have to worry about canceling your subscription before a free trial ends, nor do you need to be worried about asking the company for a refund.
However, there is a paid option available, called Replika Pro, which is 100% optional and unlocks a variety of features.
The Pro subscription does ask for a credit card to unlock 150+ additional activities with your Replika, including:
- Roleplaying
- Voice calls
- Much more
When you sign up for the Pro version, you can choose three subscription options: monthly, yearly, and lifetime. Payments are processed through Stripe, and you can cancel at any time. However, there is information available on refunds for anyone that does go Pro.
Unfortunately, all sales are final, and refunds are not available.
Avoid Automatic Renewal With DoNotPay Virtual Credit Card
Since Replika's free version doesn't require a credit card at the moment, there's no concern about automatic renewal. However, if you do sign up for the Pro version, you'll need to cancel through the Play Store or App Store.
You can also opt to use a virtual credit card, which is a service that generates a card that will work for free trials but does not have any money on it.
How Much Does Replika Cost After the Trial?
Replika Pro, which isn't offered with a trial, will cost:
- $7.99 per month
- $49.99 per year
- $59.99 for a lifetime
What Will Replika's Charges Look Like on My Statement?
Since the base service is free, you won't find any charges on your credit card statement because you never provided your financial information. If you did sign up for a Pro account, you may find the following information listed:
- Replika
- Luka, Inc.
Luka, Inc. is the developer's name.
What Else Can DoNotPay Do? 
DoNotPay can help you do so much, including:
- Jumping the phone queue when getting in touch with customer service reps
- Scheduling a DMV appointment fast and easy
- Protecting yourself from stalking and embarrassment
- Canceling subscriptions or memberships
- Getting revenge on robocalls
- Fighting speeding tickets
- Dealing with issues with credit cards
- Getting refunds and chargebacks from companies
- Dealing with bills you cannot pay
- Contesting parking tickets
- Disputing traffic tickets
- Send Demand Letters To people and companies in small claims court
- Getting rid of spam mail forever
- Getting compensation for delayed or canceled flights
- Signing up for free trials risk-free
- Getting rid of spam text messages
Want to enjoy the benefits of free trials without worrying about unwanted charges? Contact DoNotPay.