How to cancel Instacart the easy way
Instacart is a grocery delivery service that operates in Canada and the U.S. The company has well over 50,000 users.
How to cancel Instacart subscription using DoNotPay
The easiest way to cancel your Instacard subscription is by using our DoNotPay app. You can cancel the service either through your . To proceed with the cancelation, you should:
- Open the DoNotPay app
- Select the ‘Find Hidden Money’ option
- Enter ‘Instacart’ in the search bar
- Cancel the service
If you would like to check on all of your active subscriptions, you can do that by safely connecting your bank account or email address to our app. Once we identify your unused subscriptions, we will cancel them upon your approval and send you a notification.
Other ways to cancel your Instacart subscription
If you’re looking to cancel your Instacart subscription, these are all the possible ways to do it:
Can you cancel with | Yes / No |
DoNotPay | Yes |
Yes | |
Phone | Yes |
Letter | No |
In-person | No |
Instacart website | Yes |
How to cancel Instacart the traditional way
To cancel your Instacart subscription via their official website, do as follows:
- Log in to your Instacart account
- Choose the ‘Account’ option
- Hover over the drop-down menu, and tap ‘Instacart Express’
- Select the ‘End Membership’ button that’s right next to ‘Membership Plan’
- If you’re certain that you want to proceed, click ‘Continue to Cancel’
How to cancel Instacart subscription via phone
If you want to cancel your membership by giving Instacart a call, you can do that at 1-888-246-7822.
How to cancel Instacart subscription via email
To cancel your Instacart subscription via email, you can send a message at
Does Instacart offer free trials?
Instacart used to offer free trials to their users, but they no longer do.
Does Instacart offer refunds?
Once you cancel your Instacart subscription, you will not be refunded. Instacart only refunds their users’ orders.
Can you pause your Instacart membership?
No, Instacart does not offer the option to pause your membership instead of canceling it.
Instacart alternatives
If you’d like to find a similar service to Instacart, you should check these out:
Company | Pricing | Benefits |
FreshDirect | $10,75/month |
Shipt | $14/month |
Let us monitor your subscriptions for you
Did you know that the average American spends $79,74 on different subscription services each month? That’s a lot of money invested in something they don’t even end up using. With the help of our app, you will never have to worry about canceling your free trials before they expire. DoNotPay does it automatically, and we make sure that you don’t get charged after the trial ends.
Connect your bank account or email address to our platform safely, and the app will identify all subscriptions that you don’t use. We will send you a notification once we cancel them. You should only pay for what you actively use.
Why you should use the DoNotPay virtual credit card
Are you tired of sharing your personal information with companies? Fret not—our virtual card is the solution you need. The allows you to carry out transactions without revealing your identity, card number, or expiration date.
It consists of randomly generated numbers and lets you sign up for any free trial in the world. Having this virtual credit card, you won’t have to worry about canceling your subscriptions—the card will do the job for you. You can also create a temporary email address that you can use to carry out transactions without revealing your identity. You can use DoNotPay's virtual credit card generator to quickly create a new credit card you can use once and forget about those pesky unwanted charges.
Is Instacart giving you trouble? We can help you send demand letters to them
DoNotPay is the world’s first AI Consumer Champion that fights bureaucracy. We can help you send demand letters to companies of all sizes in small claims court if you feel like they wronged you. Our app was recognized by the American Bar Association and given the Louise M. Brown Award for Access earlier this year.
What else DoNotPay can help you with
Our app, which you can check out either through your , has numerous features that can assist our users in different ways. Some of the features we’re most proud of are:
- Fighting your parking tickets
- Getting refunds for your delayed/canceled flights
- Contesting your speeding tickets
- Enabling safe free trials via the Free Trial Card
- Canceling any other subscription services
- Disputing your traffic tickets
- Suing companies of all sizes in small claims court
- Getting you quick DMV appointments
- Helping you jump the phone queue when calling customer support