How to Recover A Hacked Facebook Account Quickly
There’s nothing more frustrating than discovering your . After all, Facebook is your main communication hub for friends and family, a way to share interests and hobbies, and a source of news and information. Your page contains photos and details of your day-to-day activities, names of companies you do business with, along your friends’ information. When a hacker takes over your page, they can exploit this information in detrimental ways.
Unfortunately, hacked Facebook pages are an all too common occurrence. However, by the time you discover your page has been hacked, the damage is already done. Your friends start receiving spam, unusual friend requests, and requests for personal information.
That’s why it’s more important than ever that you take corrective action as soon as you discover your Facebook account has been compromised. In this guide, we will cover how to know when your page was hacked and what to do next to recover it.
However, sometimes dealing directly with Facebook can be a time-consuming and frustrating endeavor. DoNotPay can help you with recovering your account in just a few easy steps.
How to Tell if Your Facebook Account Was Hacked
The following signs usually indicate your :
- You notice changes to your personal information, including your name, birthday, email address, or password.
- Your friends are receiving unusual messages from your account.
- Spam posts start appearing on your newsfeed.
- Friend requests are being sent to people you don’t know.
What to Do If Your Facebook Was Hacked
Once you have discovered your Facebook has been hacked, it’s time to take immediate action. Follow the steps below to mitigate the damage.
- Find the unauthorized device where the hacker is logging in from. This is done from Settings>Security and Login. Check under Where You’re Logged in. If there are devices you don’t recognize, terminate the session immediately. By clicking on the three dots to the right of the device, you can select Not You or Log Out. This logs the intruder off your account and gives you time to take further action before they can log back in.
- Notify your friends that your account was hacked, so they don’t click on links or give other information that may be sent to them from your account.
- Change your password. This is done by clicking Security and Login and scrolling down to Change Password. If you used the same password on other sites, change it on those sites as well.
- If ads and spam are coming from your hacked account, report it to Facebook as compromised with this link.
- After regaining control of your account, check the Apps option in Settings for any apps you did not add yourself. Click on the X to remove them.
What to Do if Your Facebook Username and Password Have Been Changed
If the hacker was able to take over your account and change your username and password, follow the steps below:
- Reset the password if you are able. If not, follow Facebook’s guided process to secure the account.
- After your account has been secured, change your username and password.
- Add two-factor authentication to ensure hackers cannot get into the account.
How to Recover a Hacked Facebook Account With DoNotPay
Attempting to reset your Facebook account using the above steps can be a frustrating experience since it may not be successful. However, DoNotPay can help you recover your in just three easy steps.
- Open the Recover Hacked Account product on DoNotPay and tell us the name of the company or platform of your hacked account.
- Enter the information associated with your account, such as your username.
- Tell us whether you have paid for the account and would like a refund.
- And that’s it! We will send a demand letter on your behalf with a two-week deadline for the company’s representatives to help you recover your account.
That’s all there is to it. DoNotPay will notify Facebook on your behalf and retrieve your hacked account. DoNotPay can also assist in retrieving hacked accounts for the following companies.
What Else Can DoNotPay Do?
Solving problems with hacked accounts is just one of many issues DoNotPay can help you with. Here are other solutions DoNotPay can provide:
- Appeal a banned account
- Solve copyright issues
- File a complaint against any company
- File a warranty claim
- Cancel timeshare contracts
- Remove collections from a credit report
These are just a few of the solutions DoNotPay provides to help you through many types of situations. We’re here to help you cut through the red tape with our step-by-step guides. With over 250,000 cases successfully resolved, DoNotPay’s multi-purpose platform levels the playing field for everyone.