How to cancel your Thrive Market subscription in no time
Thrive Market is an e-commerce, members-only retailer in the U.S. that curates and delivers natural and healthy foods and related products. Over 700,000 members are currently subscribed to Thrive Market.
How to cancel Thrive Market on your own
If you have decided it’s time to part ways with Thrive Market, here are a few options on how to cancel your paid membership:
Can you cancel with |
Yes / No |
DoNotPay | Yes |
Yes | |
Phone | Yes |
Letter |
No |
In-person | No |
Company website |
Yes |
Cancel Thrive Market via email
Get in touch with the team at Thrive Market at and ask them to cancel your subscription.
Cancel Thrive Market via the company website
- Visit this link on the company’s FAQ page.
- A chat window will pop up in the bottom right corner.
- Use this form to ask someone in the Thrive Market’s team to cancel your membership.
Cancel Thrive Market via the phone
You can call Thrive Market Monday-Friday from 6:00 AM-3:00 PM (PST) at (866) 419-2174, and request membership cancelation.
Let DoNotPay help you cancel your Thrive Market subscription
There is an even smoother way to cancel your Thrive Market membership, and it’s with the aid of DoNotPay. Follow these simple steps:
- Log in via your
- Select Find Hidden Money
- Type in “Thrive Market”
- Wait for our confirmation email
Another option is to connect your email or bank account to our app, so it can identify which services you are paying for but not using. Simple as ABC, right?
What are the best alternatives to Thrive Market?
If you are into healthy and organic foods, one of these companies might spark your interest:
Company | Pricing |
Benefits |
| |
| |
Does Thrive Market offer a free trial?
Yes, Thrive Market offers a risk-free 30-day trial for new members, which auto-renews into a paid subscription.
Will Thrive Market let me pause my subscription instead of canceling?
No, Thrive Market isn’t able to pause or temporarily disable memberships.
Does Thrive Market prorate their cancelations?
Yes. After you cancel, your access to Thrive Market’s membership benefits will last until the end of the paid membership period. The company also offers a full refund of the current membership period to members who haven't placed an order during their subscription.
This is what Thrive Market subscription fees can look like on your bank statement
Your Thrive Market membership fees may appear on your debit or credit card statements looking similar to one of these:
THRIVEMARKETGOODS THRV.ME CA | THRIVEMARKETYEARLYFEE 866-460-6840 CA | Debit Purchase -visa Thrive Market 866-419-2174ca |
Do you need to settle a dispute with Thrive Market? DoNotPay can assist you
If a company had ever wronged you, chances are you gave up on chasing justice because you thought it would be too burdensome, too costly, and too complicated. Well, not anymore. Think of DoNotPay as the world’s first AI Consumer Champion that can act as your aide in small claims court. It has even been recognized by the American Bar Association, which awarded our service with the prestigious 2020 Louis M. Brown Award for Access.
DoNotPay sifts through all of your subscriptions and finds those you don’t use
According to a study case done for The New York Times by the budgeting tool app Mint, in 2019, Americans spent an average of $640 each on digital subscriptions—including streaming video and music services, cloud storage, dating apps, online productivity tools, etc. It is a startling figure and indicative of just how quickly the seemingly cheap weekly and monthly fees chip away at our bank accounts.
With DoNotPay, you can now efficiently knock off subscriptions that aren’t all that useful to you. It couldn’t be more plain and simple—just link your email or bank account to the app, and we’ll recommend which subscriptions you should cancel as soon as possible.
DoNotPay’s virtual credit card protects you from auto-renewed subscription fees
Our Free Trial Card is an absolute gamechanger—it allows you to sign up for a limitless number of free trials online, without ever fearing those will renew into costly subscription fees you forgot to cancel. It runs on a few simple principles:
- Generates random credit card information
- Approves on “free trial” pages
- Gets refused on “subscription” pages
- Cancels subscriptions
How else can DoNotPay help you?
DoNotPay can be yours for free in a and can help you navigate countless errands more efficiently:
- Unsubscribe from any service or membership
- Challenge traffic tickets
- Request money back for delayed or canceled flights
- Skip the queue when calling customer service
- File a case in a small claims court
- Arrange a DMV appointment fast
- Appeal speeding tickets
- Dispute parking tickets
- Generate a virtual credit card to sign up for free trials