Here’s how to cancel LegalShield in a matter of minutes
LegalShield provides its users with easy access to qualified lawyers when they need advice or an entire plan. Users can ask for a plan for themselves, their families, or their business. There are currently over 1,750,000 members.
Is there a free trial period?
No, LegalShield doesn’t offer a free trial period. If you’re interested in their services, you need to subscribe right from the start.
Can I pause my subscription, or do I have to cancel it?
No, you cannot pause your subscription. If you believe you won’t need LegalShield services for some time, you should cancel your subscription. You can always resubscribe should you need their services at some point in the future.
How to cancel LegalShield by yourself
When you decide to cancel your membership, be prepared to provide the LegalShield representative with the following information:
- Name
- Date of birth
- Address
- Account number
- The last four digits of your driver’s license
Depending on what you find the most convenient way to go about it, you can choose from the following options for canceling your LegalShield subscription:
Can you cancel with | Yes / No |
DoNotPay | Yes |
Yes | |
Phone | Yes |
Letter | Yes |
In-person | No |
Company website | No |
How to cancel LegalShield via email
To cancel LegalShield subscription via email, follow these steps:
- Explain why you want to cancel the service in your email
- Include your membership number and personal info
- Send the email to LegalShield customer support team at
- Wait for the cancelation confirmation
How to cancel LegalShield via phone
Canceling LegalShield via phone is a quicker option. To go about it this way, you need to:
- Contact customer support at 1-844-714-8494
- Explain why you want to cancel the service
- Ask them to send you written confirmation
Send a letter to cancel LegalShield membership
If you decide to cancel LegalShield services by sending a letter, here’s how to do it:
- Explain in your letter why you want to cancel your subscription
- Provide your personal information and membership number
- Send your letter to One Pre-Paid Way Ada, OK 74820
- Wait for the cancelation confirmation
DoNotPay knows how to cancel LegalShield in a few simple steps
Are you looking for the fastest and most secure way to terminate your LegalShield subscription? DoNotPay can help you cancel LegalShield services fast by taking these steps:
- Log in via any
- Select the Find Hidden Money option
- Tell us about the service you want to cancel and why
- We will send you the confirmation email when the process is completed
Will LegalShield pro-rate canceled services?
Yes, you will get a prorated refund for any unused portion of your membership.
How to find LegalShield charges on my statement?
When you cancel your LegalShield membership, you should still check your statement to make sure that the company doesn’t continue to charge you membership fees. Here’s how LegalShield membership fees may appear on your statement:
LegalShield |
Potential problems you may encounter when canceling LegalShield
Canceling LegalShield membership can be a tricky business. Many users claim that the company continued to charge them even after they had contacted them to cancel the services. Be careful about that.
Another tricky part is that you may have to send a written notice for the company to confirm your cancelation.
Has LegalShield wronged you? DoNotPay can help you send demand letters to them
In case you notice that LegalShield has wronged you, or if you’re having trouble canceling your subscription, do not hesitate to turn to DoNotPay for help. We can help you send demand letters to the company in small claims court by preparing the paperwork for you. Who’s better to support you through this process than the first AI Consumer Champion, honored with the ABA Brown award for access to justice efforts, right? We’ll be more than happy to give you the justice you deserve.
DoNotPay can track all your unused subscriptions
Did you know that Americans waste about $350 a year on unused subscriptions? You won’t be one of those people if you let DoNotPay track down all your unused subscriptions for you. Our app can help you realize what services you actually use and what accounts you should unsubscribe from. Here’s what this process looks like:
- Connect your bank account or your email to your DoNotPay account
- Wait for DoNotPay to find all unused subscriptions
- Let DoNotPay unsubscribe you from unused accounts
Which alternatives to LegalShield are worth considering?
When you cancel your LegalShield subscription, consider some of the following alternative solutions:
Company | Pricing | Benefits |
DoNotPay | Free |
LegalZoom |
UpCounsel |
There’s much more DoNotPay can do for you
If you happen to have any problem with speeding or parking tickets, or you need us to cancel another account for you, feel free to turn to us for help. DoNotPay can also give you a hand with the following:
- Fight your speeding tickets
- Contest parking tickets
- Dispute traffic tickets
- Get you refunds for delayed or canceled flights
- Provide help if you decide to send demand letters to people or a company in small claims court
- Provide you with a virtual credit card to avoid being charged after your free trial expires
- Schedule an appointment with the DMV faster
- Cancel any other subscription service or membership