How to cancel Good Housekeeping is an American magazine geared towards women’s interest topics, such as recipes, lifestyle, and health. It is published on a monthly basis.
Cancel Good Housekeeping with DoNotPay
Canceling subscriptions can be a hassle. Each company has its own procedure, and some are more complex than you might expect. After all, they don’t want to lose their customers. One way to skip the nuisance is by using DoNotPay. In just a few steps, you can cancel Good Housekeeping, as well as any other redundant subscriptions you may have. All you need to do is:
- Open DoNotPay on your
- Select ‘Find Hidden Money’
- Select ‘Good Housekeeping’ as the subscription you want to cancel
Once your Good Housekeeping subscription has been canceled, you will receive a notification.
How to cancel Good Housekeeping
Good Housekeeping offers a few routes for unsubscribing:
- Via your online account
- Phone
As a gesture to retain you as a customer, Good Housekeeping will offer two issues at no extra cost if you choose to reconsider your cancelation request.
Cancel Good Housekeeping from your online account
This is Good Housekeeping’s primary method for canceling your subscription. All you need to do is:
- Log in to your online account
- Go to “My Orders”
- Go to “Actions”
- Select “Cancel”
Cancel Good Housekeeping by phone
Call Good Housekeeping customer service on 1-800-888-7788
Cancel Good Housekeeping by email
Email Good Housekeeping at
Cancel Good Housekeeping by mail
Write Good Housekeeping a letter at:
Good Housekeeping
PO Box 6000
Harlan, IA 51593
Ways to cancel Good Housekeeping
Can you cancel with | Yes / No |
DoNotPay | Yes |
Phone | Yes |
Online | Yes |
Yes | |
Letter | Yes |
In-person | No |
Not happy about your experience with Good Housekeeping? Send Demand Letters To them with DoNotPay in small claims court
If you believe Good Housekeeping has breached your consumer rights or treated you badly, DoNotPay’s AI Consumer Champion can help you send demand letters to the company in small claims court. As a recipient of the ABA Brown Award, DoNotPay is dedicated to improving access for people of lower and moderate incomes.
Cancel all your other unused subscriptions with DoNotPay
According to a new survey Waterstone Management Group, 84% of Americans severely underestimate the amount of money they pay per month on digital subscriptions. The discrepancy was found to be somewhere in the region of 40%!
It’s easy to lose track of small outgoings that leave your bank account every month, but it all adds up. DoNotPay offers a simple and quick way of canceling subscriptions you no longer use. All you need to do is connect DoNotPay to your bank or email account so that the app can highlight all your inactive subscriptions. All that’s left to do is decide which ones you don’t want anymore, and cancel in just a couple of taps.
Never get charged for a free trial again with DoNotPay’s virtual credit card
Free trials are awesome, but what’s not so great is forgetting to unsubscribe from them by the time the trial period is over. It’s common to remain undecided about service until that service makes a decision for you. Before you know it, your hard-earned cash is suddenly bankrolled onto a monthly subscription you’re not even sure you want.
Of course, this is the number one tactic of free trials. It’s all too convenient to get sucked into a new service if your payment information is available and ready to go.
One way to work around this is to use DoNotPay’s virtual credit card, which allows you to sign up to free trials without having to provide real payment information.
For each free trial service that you use, random, unused credit card numbers fill in the gap where your real payment information would be, so you never have to worry about being charged again. In short, DoNotPay’s virtual credit card helps avoid:
- Unwanted charges on your account
- The hassle of canceling free subscription trials
- Misuse of your personal information
How your own credit card measures against DoNotPay’s virtual credit card
Own credit card | DoNotPay’s virtual credit card | |
Ability to charge account | Yes | No |
Potential money loss | Yes | No |
Protection against hackers | No | Yes |
Identity protection | No | Yes |
DoNotPay can help you with much more than cancelations
Not only can you cancel subscriptions quickly and for free on your , but you can also use DoNotPay to help you with a whole host of other services. Save time and money with just some of the great features on offer:
- Dispute traffic tickets
- Fight speeding tickets
- Contest parking tickets
- Get an appointment with the DMV faster
- Get compensation for delayed and canceled flights
- Send Demand Letters To people and companies in small claims court
- Make virtual credit cards to avoid being charged after your free trial
- Cancel any other subscription service or membership
- Jump the phone queue when getting in touch with customer service reps