How to cancel American Greetings in just a few minutes
American Greetings is one of the world’s biggest greeting card companies, established in Ohio back in 1906. It specializes in the production of electronic and paper greetings, party decorations, calendars, stationery, and similar goods.
How to unsubscribe from American Greetings manually
Can you cancel with | Yes/No |
DoNotPay | Yes |
Yes | |
Phone | Yes |
Letter | No |
In-person | No |
Online | Yes |
How to cancel American Greetings online
There are two ways to do so. One is by changing the settings.
- Log in to your American Greetings account.
- Click on “Manage Membership.”
- Select “Do not renew membership.”
The other way is to fill out the email form on the website.
- Scroll down to the bottom of
- Click on “Contact Us.”
- Provide the required information, including your name, email, and account number.
- Click on “Select a topic.”
- Choose “Cancel membership.”
- State your wish to cancel the subscription in the space below.
How to cancel American Greetings over the phone
- Call 800-711-4474 to contact the company’s customer care.
- Ask the agent to cancel your subscription.
How to cancel American Greetings over email
- Send an email to, asking them to cancel your account.
- Make sure to include your login and billing information.
- Wait for the company to send you a confirmation.
Use DoNotPay to cancel your membership
Sometimes, it might take a while for a company to process your unsubscription request. You could find yourself waiting several days for an email response. After you dial the phone number, it is uncertain how long you will have to wait to reach someone on the other end. Fortunately, the DoNotPay app makes it possible to cancel your American Greetings membership in less than a minute. Just follow the next easy steps:
- Open the DoNotPay app on your web browser
- Select “Find Hidden Money.”
- Enter “American Greetings” as the service you wish to stop using.
We will notify you via email as soon as the membership has been canceled. You won’t wait for more than 48h.
Does American Greetings automatically charge you after the free trial ends?
Yes. The company offers a 7-day free trial, but if you forget to cancel the membership before the seven days pass, the company will start charging you the subscription fee.
DoNotPay app provides virtual credit cards to cancel free trials for you
It is surprisingly easy to forget about a free trial you have signed up for. To prevent unexpected credit card charges, DoNotPay offers its users handy virtual credit cards. Customers can use any name or email address they want when signing up for the trial and prevent the company from renewing the subscription. After seven days, we will cancel the trial for you. American Greetings can’t tell the difference between such temporary cards and your own, ensuring you will never spend a dollar more than you want.
Does refund its customers after canceled subscriptions?
No. You can choose not to renew your membership whenever you like, but the company will charge you for the entire term.
Do you have an issue with American Greetings? DoNotPay can send demand letters to them
Customers who deem that the company has wronged them in some way can use DoNotPay to seek justice. If American Greetings hasn’t processed your cancelation on time or has treated you unprofessionally, DoNotPay can help you send demand letters to the business in small claims court. The American Bar Association has given us its stamp of approval, so you can rely on our AI Consumer Champion for help.
DoNotPay can monitor all your subscriptions
On average, Americans spend nearly $240 every month on various company subscriptions. How many of those services do they actually use? Not that many, probably. DoNotPay can ensure that you are not wasting money on memberships you’ve forgotten about. Link the app to your email and bank account so it will track your monthly usage and cancel the services you never utilize.
What are some good alternatives to American Greetings?
Company | Pricing | Benefits |
Blue Mountain | $4.99 per month or $19.99 per year |
JibJab | $24.00 per year |
How can American Greetings charges show up in my bank statement?
Payment to American Greetings | AMERICAN GREETING MEMBERSHIP |
What else can DoNotPay help out with?
Helping you cancel your American Greetings subscription is not the only thing DoNotPay can do. The app also functions as a virtual lawyer who can assist you in:
- Fighting traffic tickets
- Contesting speeding tickets