How to Secure Section 8 Houses for Rent Near Me Effortlessly

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How to Secure Section 8 Houses for Rent Near Me Effortlessly

You would think that in the 21st century, everybody should afford safe and sanitary housing. Unfortunately, safe and sanitary housing has been a problem in America since the 1930s. President Roosevelt finally signed the U.S Housing Act in 1937 to assist citizens

The federal government offers housing choice vouchers, also known as Section 8 vouchers, to the elderly, low-income families, and the disabled. Most American citizens wonder, "How do I find Section 8 houses for rent near me?" If you qualify for the Section 8 vouchers, read on to find out more.

Who is Eligible for Section 8 Housing?

The housing voucher program allows families to choose the type of home they want. The family can choose a townhouse, single-family home, or apartment, and the local housing agency subsidizes their rent. Some families may qualify for the housing choice voucher to buy a home.

The Section 8 voucher process is lengthy and time-consuming. Many people need help with rent, and the section 8 rental waiting list could take years to get to the top. You can use an AI-assisted app like DoNotPay to do the leg work for you and monitor your progress on the waiting list.

For eligibility, each local housing agent has different requirements. However, some requirements are universal such as:

1. Income

Your family size and annual income significantly determine how much the agency will subsidize. The three categories of household income are:

Low IncomeEarning up to 80% of the area's median income.
Very low IncomeEarning up to 50% of the area's median income.
Extremely low incomeup to 30% of the area's median income

These limits differ between states and housing authorities. Ensure you inquire from your local PHA (Public Housing Authority) PHAs give priority to extremely low-income applicants, veterans, the disabled, and the elderly.

2. Family's Status

Your household must meet (HUD) definition of a family:

  • At least one person aged 62 years and above
  • At least one person with a disability
  • A family with several members, with or without any children
  • A displaced family due to a natural disaster or other causes such as government activity
  • A person left behind after family members move out, and that family was on government assistance
  • A single individual

3. Disability

You may get priority if you or a family member has a documented disability. You need to produce medical proof and any proof of Social Security disability compensation. A documented disability can make you eligible for a bigger house or an extra bedroom.

4. Citizenship

You must be an American citizen or have eligible immigration status. You need to produce a U.S passport, Green Card, or Social Security card alongside your application.

5. Criminal Activity

The PHA may reject your application if you have a criminal record or a family member has committed a crime within the past five years. Sex offenders do not qualify for the Section 8 housing program or anyone with a methamphetamine production conviction.

6. Eviction

You should not have faced eviction from a rental unit in the past three years, especially for drug-related issues such as making methamphetamines.

How Do I Locate a Section 8 Near Me

Nowadays, you can apply for anything online. Go to your area's local housing authority's website and search for the online application form. Fill out the form for all the subsidized housing types. Alternatively, download and print the application. Mail or return the form to the property management office of the PHA.

To find apartments in your area that accept Section 8 vouchers, you can start the search online by going to's online map. This map is an interactive government tool that lists all the apartment units participating in the program. You must consider the housing unit you are looking for and when you need to move. Consider the location, price, and other amenities.

Google is also a helpful tool. Searching for Apartments/units that accept the Section 8 voucher in your area will bring up several results.

This process may sound easy in theory, but it's a pretty tiring and time-consuming task. You have to spend hours poring over various apartments and shortlisting the areas that seem promising.

Can I Use DoNotPay To Locate Section 8 Near Me?

DoNotPay makes this process less painful by saving you time and grief from the frustration. Dealing with the government can be pretty frustrating because federal red tape slow down the process. There are no shortcuts to this process, and it might take years before you get to the top of the list. DoNotPay helps make the process bearable.

If you are about to apply for Section 8 Housing in any state or county, DoNotPay can help in two steps:

  1. Answer some questions about your family's size, total income, disability/ veteran status, the county you want to move to, etc.

  2. DoNotPay contacts PHA in charge of the chosen county with all your information to confirm if you can start the application process. The PHA reverts directly through your email address with what you should do next. .

Why Use DoNotPay to Locate Section 8 Near me?

Considering the lengthy search for a Section 8 voucher, using DoNotPay has several advantages:

  • Fast: You do not need to spend too much time on the issue. Once you hand it over to DNP, you are good to go, fast and easy.
  • Easy: No filling out forms or spending years tracking your position on the waiting list.
  • Successful: Our track record speaks for us. DNP has a 99.9% chance of success.

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