The Best Way to Redeem Discover Cash Back
Saving money is probably always on your mind when making purchases, and and other credit card cash back services offer an easy and convenient option for earning a small percentage of the total cost of qualifying purchases made with your credit card or a similar service. Although the name is similar, credit card cash back differs significantly from debit card cash back, which is a completely different type of service that involves withdrawing cash from your bank account when making a purchase from a cash register that supports the service. Here is an overview of how Discover Cash Back works and how DoNotPay can help if you experience any problems using it!
Overview of Discover Cash Back
You have several options for , which can vary based on the specific credit card you have. Cash back rewards are typically divided into purchase categories, and the specific categories of purchases that earn the most cash back or are eligible for cash back at all generally rotate each quarter. Discover's current cash back options include:
- 5% cash back at grocery stores (excluding Walmart and Target) and on fitness club and gym memberships
- 1% cash back on all other purchases
- Matching all cash back earned during your first year if you sign up as a new member, doubling the amount you will receive between both types of purchases
Most other major credit card companies and similar services also offer some type of cash back option, such as:
Citi | Apple Pay |
Apple Card | PayPal |
How to Sign Up for Discover Card
If you are interested in signing up for a Discover card to start earning cash back and other benefits, you can access the application form online. You may also submit a paper application form if you choose to. You will need to submit a few key pieces of information to verify your identity and confirm other aspects of your eligibility for a Discover card. Like many credit card applications, this form asks for pertinent data such as
- Name
- IP Code
- Phone Number
- Social Security number
- Income
- Other Relevant Financial Information
Discover will then verify the information you provide, as well as whether your credit score is high enough to be approved. Discover offers several levels of credit cards, which may have different credit and other eligibility requirements. Some customers may also be pre-approved for a Discover card, which you can check here.
How to Redeem Discover Cash Back Rewards
Discover offers four options for redeeming your cash back rewards, which gives you a high level of flexibility when it comes to determining what works best for you at any given point in time. These options include
- Obtaining cash rewards by depositing funds directly into your bank account or applying them to your Discover bill in the form of a statement credit
- Applying funds to your Amazon orders or PayPal purchases
- Converting your funds into gift cards
- Donating funds to charity
How to Get Discover Cash Back by Yourself
You can start earning Discover cash back by applying for a Discover credit card. Although Discover tends to be one of the more straightforward options when it comes to earning credit card cash back, it can be difficult to know what card option will be the best fit for you and challenging to get in touch with the company if you run into problems earning or redeeming your cash back rewards. Knowing how DoNotPay can help you in advance can save yourself the hassle of not knowing how to get the cash back you earned. Once you submit a few pieces of information to our online form, our AI Consumer Champion can automatically contact Discover on your behalf to find out why you are not getting your rewards.
Get Discover Cash Back With the Help of DoNotPay
It only takes three steps:
- Search for Cash Back on the DoNotPay website.
- Kick off the process to find the right app or website for you.
- Answer some specific questions so that we can help you start making money!
And that's it! DoNotPay will send you the best cash back options we can find and help you to start earning more cash back on your purchases!
What Else Can DoNotPay Do?
At DoNotPay, helping you save money and get the most out of your credit card is only a small part of what we do. Our AI Consumer Champion can also help you:
- Manage problems related to your credit card, debit card, or bank account
- Improve your credit score
- Close a bank account
- Delete an online account
- Learn about your rights and responsibilities as the owner of an emotional support animal, therapy dog, or service dog
- Learn about renters' rights and responsibilities in your state
- Find a lost pet or reunite a pet you find with its owner
- Find help paying your rent
We can't wait to help you get even more out of using your Discover card. Contact DoNotPay today to start earning and redeeming Discover cash back the easy way!