How to Report Your Lost Dog in Columbus, Ohio

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How to Report Your Lost Dog in Columbus, Ohio

According to statistics, one in three pets get lost or stolen during their lifetime, and virtually 10 million dogs and cats are reported stolen or lost every year. That means there is a high chance of you losing your furry companion. The saddening aspect is that less than a third of the pets are found by their owners.

The process of finding your can be lengthy and daunting, especially after you've searched everywhere in vain. That's when you start your search and file a report to your local animal control department. It's not easy, but DoNotPay can help you do that online to increase your chances of finally reuniting with your lost cat or Fido.

What to Do if You’ve Lost Your Pet

If your dog or feline has run away, it may be closer than you might think. That's why you need to first search at home since it's the first place they would be. But it's understandable to start worrying if you can't find them there. Where do you turn to next? Here are a few practical tips you can use to locate them.

Base Your Search on Your Pet's BehaviorYour pet's character can give you an idea of where they might be. If they like to step out when there's a company at home, they've probably gone to a much quieter neighbor's house. Soon after guests leave, or they feel hungry, they'll return.

If you can't find your kitty even after searching all day long, they may be hiding silently within the vicinity. The best approach is to search for them at night, and by calling them calmly, they'll soon reply with a soft purr. Otherwise, you might install wilderness cameras to catch them once they come out of their hide-out.

Figure Out Your Search AreaWhen searching for a missing pet, it would be best to zero into an area you think they might have wandered to. The following questions can help you know where exactly you might spot them:
  • Was your pet frightened by something, or he was simply seeking adventure?
  • Is there a place, such as a neighbor's house, where you always find them when they aren't at home?
  • Are there dangerous places nearby where they could get in trouble or stuck?
  • Where do you think they may have gone based on the amount of time they've been away?
Leverage Social Media You can also use social media to find your lost Fido or cat. Lost & Found Pets of Columbus, OH, has an active Facebook page, where you can use to create awareness. When making the announcement, ensure you include the following information:
  • Photos of your pet
  • The date, time, and place where the do was last seen
  • Your dog's temperament
  • Your contact details – name and phone number

What’s the Probability of Finding a Lost Dog?

The ASPCA estimates that the chances of finding your missing dog are 93% within the first 24 hours. The likelihood then drops to about 60% afterward. The agency based that statistics on tens of thousands of lost pooches over several years.

On another note, the organization found out that over 90% of dogs and 75% of lost cats reunite with their owners. Only 6% of dog owners and 2% of cat owners report finding them in animal shelters.

If you haven't found your lost dog in an animal center, don't jump to conclusions that could make you halt your search. If they aren't at a rescuer's home, dogs can survive independently. Typically, they'll look for a sheltered place, such as borrows, where they are safe from predators.

How to Report Your Lost Pet to Columbus, OH Animal Control

If you've tried finding your lost dog without any fruits, you can file a report on It's an Ohio-based online database that provides pet owners in the US with a platform where they can file a lost and found report in the bid to reunite with their dogs and cats.

Once you visit the website, click "Create Report" on the "Report a Lost or Found Pet" section. You'll access a form that has several sections, including:

  1. Your pet's name
  2. The nearest intersection or address
  3. Additional details about where the dog went missing

Other information that you'll need to provide include:

  1. Contact details (name, phone number, and email address)
  2. Photos of the pet
  3. Pet information

Once you're done, you can submit the report to create an alert for your lost dog or cat. Nonetheless, you're cautioned not to provide sensitive information that could breach your privacy or expose you to malicious activities.

Use DoNotPay to Simplify Your Report-Filing Process for Lost Dog Columbus Ohio

As you might have noted, there's a lot of steps to take when you choose to file your lost-dog report by yourself. It can be unclear to someone who's making a filing for the first time, but DoNotPay simplifies the entire process in three simple steps.

With DoNotPay, you can quickly file the report within minutes. It's effortless, first, and reliable. Once you're done with the procedure, leave the rest to us. We guarantee that your missing Fido or feline will be highlighted in the nationwide directory, including your contacts, in case they identify them.

Here's the three-step procedure:

  1. Search "lost and found pets" on DoNotPay, and select whether you're reporting a lost pet or a pet you've found.

  2. Enter the date and location you lost or found the pet and tell us more about them, including the breed, gender, whether they are wearing a collar, approximate size, and more.

  3. Upload evidence a photo of the pet, so they can be identified, and enter your current contact information where you can be reached with updates.

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