Canceling NatureBox Membership

iEditorial Note: These blog posts represent the opinion of DoNotPay’s Writers, but each person’s situation and circumstances vary greatly. As a result, you should make sure to do your own independent research. Because everyone is unique, our self-help tools are never guaranteed to help with any specific situation. DoNotPay is not a law firm and is not licensed to practice law. DoNotPay provides a platform for legal information and self-help.

Cancel NatureBox subscriptions in just a few easy steps

NatureBox is a snack delivery service that can provide you with healthy low-sugar, low-fat, and CBD snacks, as well as various food supplements.

How to cancel NatureBox membership manually

Can you cancel withYes / No

Cancel NatureBox online

  1. Sign in to your NatureBox account.
  2. Click on Manage Subscriptions.
  3. Click on the “Chat Now” button in the bottom-left corner.
  4. Select option number three.
  5. Let the agent know that you want to cancel your NatureBox subscription.

How to cancel NatureBox via email

  1. Send an email to, asking the company to cancel your subscription.
  2. Include your full name, log in data, and billing address.
  3. You should receive an email confirmation after several business days.

How to cancel NatureBox over the phone

  1. Dial 888-613-6998 to reach the NatureBox customer support team.
  2. Ask the company representative to cancel your membership.
  3. Ask the agent to send you an email confirming your account cancelation.

Cancel NatureBox with the DoNotPay app

Canceling NatureBox on your own may take a lot of time. Sending an email or writing to the company through the online form is risky as it may be days until someone notices your request. Calling customer service is also tricky as you don’t know how long you will have to wait on hold. Luckily, there’s a way for you to cancel your NatureBox subscription without waiting at all—the DoNotPay app. We can help you cancel your subscription in less than two minutes. Here is what you have to do:

  1. Open the DoNotPay app in your web browser.
  2. Tap on “Find Hidden Money”.
  3. Type in “NatureBox” as the service you want to cancel.

As soon as we cancel your subscription, you will receive a confirmation email.

Can I pause my NatureBox subscription instead of canceling it?

Yes, you can freeze your NatureBox membership at any moment. To do so, log into your account and enter the Manage Subscriptions page. Click on the “Pause Membership” button.

Can I get a refund after I cancel my NatureBox subscription?

No, NatureBox’s membership fees are non-refundable. Once your monthly subscription is processed, there’s no going back. To avoid unwanted costs, make sure to cancel your membership at least three days before the current billing cycle ends.

Will my NatureBox free trial automatically turn into a paid subscription?

Yes, it will. NatureBox offers its new members a 30-day free trial. Once the trial expires, your subscription will automatically turn into a paid membership, and the company will charge your credit card. If you don’t want this to happen, you need to cancel your free trial before its expiration date.

DoNotPay prevents companies from charging you after free trials!

Once you sign up for a free trial, it’s incredibly easy to forget all about it. Once it expires, your credit card will be charged, and you won’t be able to request a refund. We can help you avoid such undesired expenses. All you have to do is sign up for the NatureBox free trial with the DoNotPay’s virtual credit card instead of using your credit card. The company won’t be able to tell the difference, and you won’t be charged at the end of your free trial.

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You can track all of your subscriptions with DoNotPay

Paid subscription probably cost you much more than you know. As they seem so affordable and convenient, people tend to subscribe to multiple services, even those that they don’t use regularly. With so many subscriptions, it’s hard to keep track, which is why over 80% of Americans aren’t aware that these services cost them around $240 on average!

If you want to avoid wasting so much money on subscriptions, you can have DoNotPay monitor all your services for you. We will find the services you don’t use and help you cancel them.

What are some alternatives to NatureBox?

SnackNation150-snack boxes start at $249
  • Food from over 1000 brands
  • High-quality ingredients
  • Custom-made boxes
WorkPerksDepends on the snacks you choose
  • Boxes ranging from 75 to 450 servings
  • Easy to order through the online form
  • Free delivery

Is NatureBox being difficult? DoNotPay can help you send demand letters to them in small claims court

Did NatureBox refuse to give you a refund you think you deserve? Has the company tricked you or wronged you in any way? If you want to fight back, your best option is to send demand letters to the company.

The DoNotPay app specializes in suing people and businesses in small claims court and is a proud winner of the prestigious ABA Brown Award. With our help, you can send demand letters to NatureBox or any company that treats you unfairly fast and easy.

What do NatureBox’s charges look like on my bank statement?

DEBIT CARD PURCHASE - NATUREBOX, INC. xxx-xxx-6998 CANATUREBOXDebit Purchase - Visa Naturebox *sna888-6136998 Ca
NATUREBOX *SNACKS 8886136998 CAAMZ*NatureBox Inc.NATUREBOX *SNACKS 888-613-6998 CA

DoNotPay helps you to manage and cancel all of your subscriptions with a click of a button.

Frustrated with paying for subscriptions you don’t even use? You’re not alone. DoNotPay allows you to manage and cancel all of your subscriptions and memberships, saving you time and money! Here are just a few more subscriptions we’ve helped our users cancel:

What else can DoNotPay do?

Besides helping you cancel your NatureBox subscription, our AI Consumer Champion can give you a hand with many other issues. With DoNotPay, you can conveniently:

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