Everything You Need To Know About Getting Banned From Twitter

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Banned From Twitter—A Guide To Get You Unbanned

Getting banned from Twitter is an unpleasant experience for any active and loyal user of the platform. Whether your account was suspended or you got banned from Twitter, ! We are here to help you understand the reasons for getting banned, the types of bans and suspensions that Twitter enforces, and the process for filing an appeal in case of a suspended or banned account.

If your account gets suspended or banned on any other social network— such as Facebook, Tumblr, or Snapchat—DoNotPay can help you file an appeal and ensure a swift response!

Why Is Your Twitter Account Banned?

Your Twitter account can be banned due to numerous reasons—violating community guidance rules above all. Here are the most common examples of Twitter rules violations that will get you banned from the platform:

  1. Infringing on someone’s authenticity
  2. Jeopardizing someone’s safety
  3. Violating someone’s privacy

Note that Twitter may also temporarily suspend or lock your account under the suspicion that somebody is trying to hack it. In that case, you can expect your account to be restored as soon as Twitter eliminates the threat.

Banned on Twitter—Authenticity Violations

Sending other users spam mail to attract their attention or trying to initiate unwanted contact will get your Twitter account banned. The same is true if you try to manipulate the platform for your personal gain.

Here are some concrete examples of authenticity violations on Twitter

  • Creating and operating multiple accounts to create fake engagement or boost the popularity of specific tweets
  • Posting misleading content and sending messages that are disrupting other user’s experience
  • Impersonating other people by using stolen photos or bios
  • Using misleading profile information (such as fake location)
  • Performing copyright and trademark violation

Banned Twitter Account—Endangering the Safety of Other Users

Abusive behavior that can cause your account to get suspended on Twitter includes:

  • Sending threats to other users
  • Promoting any sort of violence
  • Promoting terrorism and hate crimes
  • Sharing child pornography, nudity, and other forms of exploitation
  • Promoting self-harm or suicide
  • Posting and sharing any type of adult content

If you engage in such behavior, Twitter will put a temporary ban on your account. Using your account for harmful behavior even after warnings and a temporary ban will lead to getting your account permanently banned.

Suspended Account on Twitter—Privacy Violations

Twitter is unforgiving of users who are endangering other users’ privacy. Twitter will ban your account if you:

  • Share private information about someone without their consent
  • Threaten someone that you’ll expose personal information about them
  • Offer a reward in exchange for someone’s personal information
  • Share someone’s intimate photographs and videos without their consent

Third-Party Advertising

Twitter has strict rules about third-party advertising in videos and images. To avoid suspension, you should not upload, share, or post any type of visual content that includes a third-party advertisement.

Types of Twitter Suspensions

Before Twitter decides to ban your account for good, it may enforce different types of suspensions to warn you. The severity of suspension typically depends on the severity and number of your offenses. Here are the types of suspensions you might have to face:

Type of SuspensionDetails
Read-only mode
  • Limited ability to tweet and like or retweet other content. You will only have the option to send direct messages to your followers.
  • Ban can last from 12 hours to seven days
Permanent suspension
  • Owners of permanently suspended accounts will not be able to delete the existing account and create a new one
  • They will be banned from Twitter without the possibility of coming back

Is There a Way To Get Unbanned From Twitter?

If you believe Twitter made an error by banning your account, you can file a suspension appeal. To do that, you should:

  1. Log in to the banned account
  2. Enter the Appeal an account suspension or locked account page
  3. Fill out an appeal form
  4. Submit an appeal

After that, Twitter will determine whether the suspension was a mistake on the company’s part or not and potentially restore your profile.

File an Appeal via DoNotPay and Get Your Account Restored Hassle-Free

Even though Twitter offers the possibility to appeal, you will probably have to wait for days and even weeks to receive an answer. To avoid that, enlist DoNotPay’s assistance. Our app will write a demand letter, putting pressure on Twitter to process your complaint faster.

To use DoNotPay, you should:

  1. Locate the Unban My Account product
  2. Enter Twitter
  3. Mark the date your account was banned
  4. Enter the reason for the account suspension

It will take a couple of minutes for our app to generate and send a personalized demand letter that requests Twitter to review and respond to your appeal.

If the company has already responded by refusing to unban your account, you will not be able to appeal again.

Get Unbanned From Other Platforms by Using DoNotPay

If you have suffered an account suspension on a particular gaming or social network platform—we will be glad to help. Check out our guides on how to get unbanned or unsuspended from any of the following platforms:

How To Get Unbanned on OmegleBanned From TwitchHow To Get Unbanned From Tinder
Banned From TikTokBanned From FacebookAmazon Suspension Appeal
PlayStation Account SuspendedYouTube Account SuspendedXbox One Account Banned
Pinterest Account SuspendedBanned From InstagramReddit Account Suspended
Google Account SuspensionUber Account SuspendedSteam Account Banned

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Whether you need help with drafting paperwork, searching through government databases, or managing your bills, DoNotPay has a feature that’ll make your life easier. The number of features keeps growing, and you can check out a table showcasing some of them:

Solving IssuesSaving MoneyProtecting Privacy
  • Send Demand Letters To anyone in small claims court
  • Create personalized documents
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  • Draft child travel consent forms
  • Get a tailor-made divorce settlement agreement

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